
So this is day three of the new antidepressants.

Last night I did not sleep all too well.  I had 15mg on the first day, then was advised to up to 30mg on the second if I could ‘handle it’ and so, second day on 30mg and I feel dark.

The frustration, anger, helplessness and bitterness has returned.

I am unemployed and relying on my new partner to pay for everything.  I am unemployed because so many people are applying for the same type of job as me, I am signed off from the doctor due to stress, depression and anxiety, which I believe is the best thing as I could not handle even the cleaning work I was doing on the side.

My partner has been an angel.  He has ensured I have a roof, my car kept on the road and with petrol, food to eat, my tobacco and cider to help on a day to day basis when he doesn’t even smoke or drink.  I feel awful.

I know I should not moan.  There are people in a lot more worse situations than myself.  But this feeling does not sit well.

I want to say to him, ‘why can’t you sort out your stuff instead of sitting in your dark room, watching manga, surrounded by your dirty and clean clothes, the dishes from two weeks ago, and empty cola bottles and all this rubbish??  Can you not try and be productive, rather than let the after effects of the addiction effect you so much by not sitting in your dark room all day, and try to not let yourself be vulnerable, like I am trying too?? Can you not see there is no food in the cupboards? Can you not remember we still need to/I still need to get the mould paint for the landlady??

This all gets to me.

His behavior towards his surroundings reminds me of living with my father.  My alcoholic father, my emotionally stunted father, my father who once told me ‘if I want to live in shit, I will live in shit.’ My father who has let himself go, who I cannot have a ‘normal’ conversation with, my father who gave me emotional abuse growing up.  *Que daddy issues*

I do washing, I clean, I cook, I tidy and dust, all to help pay my way as I have no income.

I know my annoyances are unjustified.  He provides and I do what I can in return.

I am aware my feelings are to be un-trusted, but I can do nothing to stop them affecting my thoughts.

I must be careful, I must be mindful, I must be better than the creeping ‘Dark Passenger’ who threatens my progress and sanity.

Two weeks is all I have to wait until these pills start to settle down and these untrustworthy reassurances from my shadow will peter out once again and I can feel more of myself that I have tried so hard to pull back together.

He is an angel, this man who found me, who saw me, who saw my potential to be the person I was seeking to find the space for.  I cannot help feel this is unjustified, I am not used to this.

And I am afraid I am still not strong enough to repay the strength and understanding that he has shown me.

However, there is one thing I can be grateful to myself for.  It is that I have the ability to remember…

have the ability to recognize, to acknowledge the past and to remind myself that I do not have to let things repeat themselves, and I can and will be strong enough, to tell this feckless ‘Dark Passenger’, this shadow of mine,


There are choices one can make on a journey like this.  It may not seem like it at the time, but there are.  Despite how drowning the feelings can be, despite the hatred you may feel for the world, the people in it, and yourself.  It may take you to try and leave the world, to make the ones closest to you cry, to leave you, to hate you, to realize that you want to ask for help and try and make yourself better.  But you will find the choices to choose, if you really want to.

I have chosen to be happy.  To learn to be happy, To allow myself to be happy.

I still feel left out my family, what family members I have anyway, when I see on Facecrap they have had a lovely time doing something and not invited me.  Or when supposed friends fail to seek me out but moan when I do not seek them out.  But I know this is unjustified, because of the way I feel towards myself.

It’s a slow journey.  But I have things to look forward to, camping adventures with my new family, I have little projects I have created for myself, making gifts for people and experimenting with creating for a business idea.

Even though I feel helpless and I don’t even have the money for materials to make any items for my business idea and the fact I have gone bankrupt, there some options.  Like the massage course I have signed up for on the 24+ student finance (once the systems are up and running again, apparently *Que paranoia*).

Babysteps x

Here are some links that are most definitely worth checking out if you feel lost with anything like debt, further learning and student finance, and seeking advice when you have no idea where to go from your current situation.  You will be surprised at the help that is actually out there, if you are willing to help yourself.  Love & Light

24+ Studant Loans

Pay Plan – Free debt advice and help

Citizens Advice

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